Bankruptcy fees actually don’t vary as much as other types of legal fees. Bankruptcy is for people who do not have the most affordability. Life and finances, in general, are about peaks and valleys. I help people that are in a financial valley — my goal is to help them get to the financial Peak and the bankruptcy system could really help people.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Cost
Generally, speaking, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, what we do is we include all the filing fees, classes that somebody has to take online or over the phone (that are about 30 minutes each), a credit report judgment, lean search, and all the court costs related to that and we charge usually around $2,000. And, of course, we do a payment plan. During the course of the payment plan, we actually filled all of the creditor phone calls. So that actually gives a potential filer relief right away. People can actually hire us for as little as $200, and then, we do a payment plan from there.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Cost
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can cost approximately $4,000 to $5,000. And again, we do half upfront — including all filing fees and court costs — and the other half is through the plan; which is over a three to five year period. There are many reasons why people need to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan. But as far as cost, you can estimate around $2,000 to file the bankruptcy itself.
The bankruptcy lawyers of Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices are dedicated to providing bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy solutions for people looking to handle their debt problems. We are proud to help hard-working people in Pennsylvania and New Jersey get out of debt and on the path to a fresh financial start. To schedule a free and confidential consultation online or in one of our many local offices, call us at 215-545-0008 or contact us using the form.