When you reach the end of your financial rope, bankruptcy can be the only way to recover and get started on a fresh track. Unfortunately, many people who rely on rental properties to give them a home can be uncertain how bankruptcy will affect their future hopes of getting a place to live. Thankfully, Bankruptcy doesn’t rule out the possibility.
How Bankruptcy Affects Renting
You don’t have to look far before hearing stories about the way that bankruptcy affects one’s credit. There is some truth to this, with a bankruptcy showing on a credit report for potentially up to 10 years. When you look to rent a home or apartment, the bankruptcy will show up on your credit report. Thankfully, there are many things that you can still use to convince the landlord to overlook the bankruptcy and move forward with the rental process.
Your Available Income Plays a Big Role
If you’re swamped by credit card debts, then it’s obvious that you won’t have much extra money and may have to short-change some of your bills. If you have been in a bankruptcy, you will have less debt or more manageable payments – meaning more disposable income. Show your landlord that you have enough income to cover your rent along with the bills that remain. If you rented in the past and kept up with your payments, use your old receipts to prove that you kept up with your rent bill – even when you had other debt.
Your Job and Past Work History
When you keep a job for a long period of time, it shows that you have consistent income that isn’t likely to fluctuate and can be used to cover rent. If you have a good work history, you can use factors such as the length of your time at your jobs, what kind of job you work, your work hours, and your pay history all in your favor. If you have had an increase in work hours or obtained a better job since filing for bankruptcy, show this as proof that you are in a better place financially.
When You Filed for Bankruptcy
If you just recently had your bankruptcy discharged or if you are still in the process of bankruptcy, expect the landlord to be slow to let you rent a home or apartment. Typically, the farther you get away from the time of your bankruptcy, the easier it will be for you to get a rental or purchase a home.
A Heart-to-Heart Talk
Landlords are humans just like everyone else. Above all else, use the opportunity to sit down and talk with your potential landlord about your situation. Explain what led to the bankruptcy and what steps you’ve taken to improve your financial life since you filed. Additionally, Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices routinely sends correspondence to landlords explaining why someone filed for bankruptcy in the past – this is usually a positive factor in securing an apartment post-bankruptcy filing. By explaining your situation, the landlord may be much more likely to rent to you. Especially with all of the displaced families caused by the pandemic.
If you plan to rent a home or apartment, filing for bankruptcy can make it a little more lengthy of a process. However, this should never stop you from filing bankruptcy and embracing your financial freedom. By working alongside a good bankruptcy attorney, you can see your finances improve and your future brighten.