Darby, PA Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Lawyer
Top Bankruptcy Attorneys and Home Foreclosure Defense Attorneys.
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At Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices, we realize that every situation is different. Our debt relief lawyers will take the time to learn about your situation and your goals. Our objective is to explain your legal options and offer the best debt relief strategy for you in the most compassionate and friendly manner possible. Call 24/7 to schedule your meeting with a lawyer.
Our office understands the financial stress our clients endure. Therefore, in addition to reasonable legal fees, we offer a payment plan to all of our valued clients to make quality legal services most affordable.
In addition to our primary law office in Center City, Philadelphia, we also have law offices throughout the Greater Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Area and in New Jersey. Our branch offices have contributed to making us the #1 Bankruptcy Filer and debt relief firm in the Greater Philadelphia area. Our goal is to have a convenient location within 20 minutes of where our clients work or reside.
Darby, PA Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Lawyers
From its origins in the late 1600s, as a settlement by English and Swedish settlers, Darby has been one of the more diverse places to live in Pennsylvania. The public transit system has allowed Darby residents to travel into Philadelphia via the 69th Street Transportation Center for over 120 years.
Since 2006, Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices has proudly assisted the residents of Darby, Pennsylvania with their debt relief needs. Darby Township is located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania and has a zip code of 19023.
Darby is surrounded by Yeadon, Lansdowne, Aldan and Collingdale and is a 10 minute drive to our Springfield, Delaware County law office or a 20 minute drive to our Center City Philadelphia law office.
Homefacts indicate unemployment rates in Darby, PA have reached as high as 11.2%. Darby, PA has rates above national unemployment at 4.6% indicating there is a greater need for financial direction in Darby than other municipalities in the state of Pennsylvania and the country as a whole.
About The Financial Environment in Darby, PA
According to the United States Census Bureau, about 37% of the residents of Darby, PA have a household income of $50,000.00 to $100,000.00 per year, and 48% of the residents of Darby, PA have a household income of less than $25,000.00 per year.
This makes it difficult for the majority of the township of Darby, PA to support families without the assistance of credit cards, second mortgages and loans.
Per Realtor.com, the average home value in Darby, PA is $150,000 which is significantly less than the average value in the Philadelphia metropolitan area.
If keeping up with the mortgage is an issue, Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices can assist with foreclosure defense, mortgage modification requests or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to help you stay in your home for years to come.
A Long History of Success Serving Residents in Darby
The way that bankruptcy works depends on the chapter, it can either discharge or reorganize your debt. If you are filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your debts will be discharged. The only debts that normally can’t be discharged are student loans, child support/alimony debts, some tax debts and debts related to criminal matters.
In Chapter 13, your debts are reorganized by forming a payment plan that will last three to five years.
In that period of time, creditors with priority will collect some or all of their debt, with the goal being that you will be out of debt or in a much better financial position at the end of a Chapter 13 case.
You will find instant relief by filing a Chapter 7 or 13 as creditors are not allowed to attempt to collect on their debt as soon as the case is filed. As a result, you will not have to worry about receiving harassing calls from your creditors as they attempt to collect a debt while you are in bankruptcy.
The reduction of employment and increase in property values make it more difficult than ever to get ahead of credit card payments and loans and saving for such things as retirement and college nearly out of reach without the guidance and planning of local debt relief firms such as Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices. We realize that you do not want to enter into a prolonged legal process.
Rest assured a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can take as little as 4 months and can be completed remotely. Even the brief bankruptcy hearing known as a 341 Meeting, can be held via phone or zoom for your convenience.
Work with Our Dedicated and Experienced Bankruptcy Lawyers
Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices offers a free consultation to assess your debt relief needs and offers a payment plan for any service we provide. To schedule your consultation, please call our Delaware County law office at 610-432-3111 or use our scheduling link. We look forward to helping you!