How Can a Philadelphia Lawyer Help You With Car Repossession?

How Can a Philadelphia Lawyer Help You With Car Repossession?

Wrongful car repossession can cause damage and stress to one’s livelihood. Depending on guidelines within a car sales contract, your car can be taken from you in as few as 30 days after you are delinquent on your monthly payments. A significant issue that car owners face when repossession occurs is the absence of an […]

Vehicle Repossession Laws in PA

repossession laws in pa

What You Need to Know About Car Repossession in Pennsylvania If you’ve begun missing car payments, then chances are a repo person will be dispatched to show up for your car pretty soon. Technically, the creditor has the right to do this if you miss even a single car payment. In reality, they often wait […]

How Voluntary Repossession Works in Philadelphia

voluntary repossession pennsylvania

Has your car payment left you feeling in over your head? Many clients in the same position eventually consider returning their car voluntarily to a company that might soon be repossessing it anyway. This is called a “voluntary repossession.“ Is voluntary repossession a smarter option than declaring bankruptcy and getting an automatic stay? The experienced […]