When Should You File Bankruptcy When Facing Foreclosure, Eviction, or Repossession?

When Should You File Bankruptcy

Often times after a foreclosure sale, eviction judgment, or car auction we receive a phone call from someone who thought, for one reason or another, that they had more time to act and protect themselves.  Unfortunately, like any lawsuit or legal proceeding, timeliness to act is of the essence.  With collection activities, if one does […]

How Can a Philadelphia Lawyer Help You With Car Repossession?

How Can a Philadelphia Lawyer Help You With Car Repossession?

Wrongful car repossession can cause damage and stress to one’s livelihood. Depending on guidelines within a car sales contract, your car can be taken from you in as few as 30 days after you are delinquent on your monthly payments. A significant issue that car owners face when repossession occurs is the absence of an […]

How Can Bankruptcy Save My Home From Foreclosure in New Jersey?

Home Foreclosure Attorney New jersey

Foreclosure. It can be scary for your family to go through; unfortunately, it happens frequently in New Jersey.  In 2019, New Jersey led the nation in real estate foreclosure rate. Trenton and Atlantic City were two of the country’s highest metro area foreclosure rates.  So, what can you do about it? The answer is to […]

Foreclosures are ramping up as moratoriums end

While congress did extend the foreclosure moratorium on HUD, VA, and USDA loans through March 31 and FHFA foreclosures were postponed until February 28, many Pennsylvania families are discovering that it’s not enough. But the right foreclosure attorney can help these families find their footing .

Top 3 Financial Websites

As a debt relief attorney that deals with people in financial distress, I believe it is extremely important for my clients to educate themselves about credit, savings, consumer lending practices and trends.  For bankruptcy purposes one must complete a credit counseling course and a debtor educational course.  These courses are about 30 minutes long each […]

Do I need a Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy, like most legal services is something that people generally do not want to do.   When finances are no longer manageable, bankruptcy is something that people need to do.  Most people have heard the word “Bankruptcy,” but are unsure when to consider a Bankruptcy filing.  Below are a few examples of the situations we […]

In the News: Sen. Chuck Grassley Proposes New Student Loan Legislation

Student loans are the hot topic of the 2020 race. Democratic candidates, in particular, are discussing a wide range of plans to address the looming student debt crisis. But if Republicans disagree on how student debt and the cost of college should be handled, they certainly seem to agree something needs to be done. Republican […]

What Are the Steps of a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

It is always hard to take a step when you don’t know what’s going to happen. That’s why we wanted to take the time to walk you through the steps of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This can also help you get prepared for the bankruptcy process so that you reap the maximum amount of benefit […]

Income Tax Advantage of Personal Bankruptcy

Although the word bankruptcy may not sound appealing at first, there are many advantages of filing bankruptcy.  This article will concentrate on the often overlooked income tax advantage of filing Consumer Bankruptcy.  Outside of the bankruptcy realm, if a debt is forgiven or deemed uncollectible for less than the full amount due and owing, the […]

New Consumer-Friendly Bankruptcy Rules Take Effect

New federal bankruptcy rules may provide some relief if you end up filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.  These changes, applied to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, took effect on December 1, 2017, and place new requirements on creditors who wish to protect their interests in a bankruptcy case. The US District Court of the […]

Can You File Chapter 13 for a Business in Pennsylvania?

bankruptcy attorney philadelphia

Bankruptcy isn’t just for individuals.  Business entities can also benefit from a strategic bankruptcy, ranging from the small, family-owned operation up to the large corporation with thousands of employees.  However, bankruptcy is not a “one-size-fits-all” matter.  On the contrary, there are several different forms of bankruptcy, each designed to fit a different set of goals […]