Sadek Bankruptcy

Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy right for me?

Filling for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy may seem scary, but oftentimes the benefits outweigh the fear. While a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is used to refinance debt into more manageable payments, a Chapter 7 works to completely erase the debt. Find out if it’s right for you by contacting our Philadelphia bankruptcy lawyers now.

The Pandemic Is Pushing Renters & Homeowners To The Brink

Filing for bankruptcy makes it possible for tenants to postpone any eviction proceedings through something called an “automatic stay”. Our Philadelphia bankruptcy attorneys can help you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Got student loans? This bill may change that


Many student loan holders don’t know their financial options or what they can file to help alleviate their debt. Now, Congress is considering a new bill that could help student loan holders do just that.

Will a second COVID-19 stimulus check affect a bankruptcy case?

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For many individuals, filing for bankruptcy has been the only hope they have for regaining their financial footing and keeping their homes. For those who have filed or are going to fill for bankruptcy, questions about the way that COVID-19 stimulus checks may affect the process weigh heavily on their minds.

Can bankruptcy save the American economy?

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While bankruptcy tends to be a consumer’s last thought as an answer to their debt problems, some studies are now showing that debt relief programs may actually be the saving grace of our nation’s economy.

When Should You File for Bankruptcy

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You may be thinking, is the middle of a pandemic really the best time to consider taking such a big step? Yes! If you are facing financial struggles the answer is most definitely sooner rather than later.